Tag: Unity
fix Character Creator 3 blend shapes in Unity3D with Skinn Pro
Rokoko Studio Live to Unity
Remote Control UNITY with OSC (Open Sound Control)
I’m using TouchOSC to remote control lights and camera in my Unity project thanks to Ext:OSC and Playmaker.
Face Cap Live Mode documentation – https://www.bannaflak.com/face-cap/livemode.html
Ext:OSC – https://github.com/Iam1337/extOSC
Colored Light Cookies – https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/colored-light-cookies-141779
Animation Retargeting in Unity
Retarget blend shape keyframes recorded in FACE CAP to other 3D figures!
Animation Retargeting utility on Github: https://github.com/robotron2084/animation-retargeting
Project Search and Replace for Unity: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/project-search-replace-55680
Animation Retargeting utility for Unity
An editor window for the Unity game engine that allows for the retargeting of animations from different paths (aka game objects) and properties(aka keyframes on those objects). The main focus is to allow for the conversion of different items such as blend shapes between different common formats such as Apple’s FaceCap and Mixamo’s rigs.