Tag: blend shapes
Skinn Pro: Extract Load Transfer Blend Shapes in Unity
Extract Mixamo’s facial blend shapes from an Adobe Fuse figure, and transfer them to another figure exported from Fuse, using a plugin in Unity.
13:15 Extract Blend Shapes
16:48 Load Blend Shapes with the Blend Shape Wizard
21:50 Transfer blend shapes between similar topology
Skinn Pro on itch – https://cwmanley.itch.io
EditorExportOBJ script – http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=ObjExporter#EditorObjExporter.cs
Mesh to Blend Shape – SkinnVM in Unity3D
Combine blend shapes and add character morphs to your figures using Bake to Mesh Renderer and Mesh to Blend Shape. Add iPhoneX blend shapes to Adobe Fuse figures without leaving Unity!
iPhone X vs Mixamo: Blend Shapes
Apple’s ARKit FACS blend shapes compared to Mixamo’s FACS blend shapes.
red indicates there is no equivalent blend shape on the other system
iPhone X
0 : browInnerUp
1 : browDown_L
2 : browDown_R
3 : browOuterUp_L
4 : browOuterUp_R
5 : eyeLookUp_L
6 : eyeLookUp_R
7 : eyeLookDown_L
8 : eyeLookDown_R
9 : eyeLookIn_L
10 : eyeLookIn_R
11 : eyeLookOut_L
12 : eyeLookOut_R
Mixamo uses eye bones
13 : eyeBlink_L
14 : eyeBlink_R
15 : eyeSquint_L
16 : eyeSquint_R
17 : eyeWide_L
18 : eyeWide_R
19 : cheekPuff
20 : cheekSquint_L
21 : cheekSquint_R
22 : noseSneer_L
23 : noseSneer_R
24 : jawOpen
mouthOpen on Mixamo
25 : jawForward
26 : jawLeft
27 : jawRight
28 : mouthFunnel
mouthNarrow on Mixamo
29 : mouthPucker
mouthWhistle on Mixamo
30 : mouthLeft
31 : mouthRight
32 : mouthRollUpper
33 : mouthRollLower
34 : mouthShrugUpper
35 : mouthShrugLower
36 : mouthClose
combines with jawOpen for ‘chew’
37 : mouthSmile_L
38 : mouthSmile_R
39 : mouthFrown_L
40 : mouthFrown_R
41 : mouthDimple_L
42 : mouthDimple_R
43 : mouthUpperUp_L
44 : mouthUpperUp_R
45 : mouthLowerDown_L
46 : mouthLowerDown_R
47 : mouthPress_L
48 : mouthPress_R
49 : mouthStretch_L
50 : mouthStretch_R
jaw rotate on Mixamo
51 : tongueOut
0 : Blink_Left
1 : Blink_Right
2 : BrowsDown_Left
3 : BrowsDown_Right
4 : BrowsIn_Left
5 : BrowsIn_Right
6 : BrowsOuterLower_Left
7 : BrowsOuterLower_Right
8 : BrowsUp_Left
9 : BrowsUp_Right
10 : CheekPuff_Left
11 : CheekPuff_Right
12 : EyesWide_Left
13 : EyesWide_Right
14 : Frown_Left
15 : Frown_Right
16 : JawBackward
17 : JawForeward
18 : JawRotateY_Left
19 : JawRotateY_Right
20 : JawRotateZ_Left
21 : JawRotateZ_Right
mouthPress, mouthStretch on iPhone
22 : Jaw_Down
23 : Jaw_Left
24 : Jaw_Right
25 : Jaw_Up
26 : LowerLipDown_Left
27 : LowerLipDown_Right
28 : LowerLipIn
29 : LowerLipOut
30 : Midmouth_Left
31 : Midmouth_Right
32 : MouthDown
33 : MouthNarrow_Left
34 : MouthNarrow_Right
mouthFunnel on iPhone
35 : MouthOpen
jawOpen on iPhone
36 : MouthUp
37 : MouthWhistle_NarrowAdjust_Left
38 : MouthWhistle_NarrowAdjust_Right
mouthPucker on iPhone
39 : NoseScrunch_Left
40 : NoseScrunch_Right
41 : Smile_Left
42 : Smile_Right
43 : Squint_Left
44 : Squint_Right
45 : TongueUp
46 : UpperLipIn
47 : UpperLipOut
48 : UpperLipUp_Left
49 : UpperLipUp_Right
iPhone X vs Mixamo: Blend Shapes Smackdown
I compare the iPhone X blend shapes with Mixamo blend shapes! My suggestions for remapping with Face Cap to a stock Adobe Fuse figure with Auto-rigger blend shapes. Plus, some history on how these 2 systems evolved and types of blend shapes typically found on 3D figures.
Blend Shape Builder for Unity
It is a tool to create blend shape on Unity. In addition to synthesizing existing models, you can also edit vertices on Unity and blend shape it.
Also, it can generate special blend shape targets such as synthesis of only normals, only the vertex position, and has the function to write an existing blend shape as a separate mesh for each target.